May 22, 2024
Project Background
- This contract is an implementation of the Ocean Protocol ERC20 token. Let’s break down its key components:
- Interfaces and Libraries: It defines the ERC20 interface and uses the SafeMath library for safe arithmetic operations.
- Roles: The contract includes roles for minters and pausers, allowing certain addresses to mint new tokens or pause token transfers.
- ERC20Mintable: This contract extends ERC20 and adds minting functionality. Only addresses with the minter role can mint new tokens.
- ERC20Capped: This contract extends ERC20Mintable and adds a cap to the total token supply. The cap is set in the constructor.
- ERC20Detailed: This contract provides detailed information about the token, such as its name, symbol, and decimals.
- Pausable: It implements pausable functionality, allowing the owner (or addresses with the pauser role) to pause and unpause token transfers.
- Ownable: This contract defines ownership functionality, allowing the current owner to transfer ownership to another address.
- OceanToken: The main token contract that inherits from ERC20Pausable, ERC20Detailed, ERC20Capped, and Ownable. It sets up the token with specific parameters in the constructor and implements additional functionality such as retrieving token holders’ addresses and balances, killing the contract, and handling ether transfers.
- Overall, this contract provides a comprehensive implementation of a capped, mintable ERC20 token with pausable functionality and detailed information about the token.